Lunes, Agosto 3, 2015

Examination in Radiological Sciences

  1. A pulse sequence that begins with a 180 degree inversion pulse is?
  1. Inversion recovery C. Gradient field
  2. Flip angle D. Pulse echo
  1. As the TE is reduced what happens to the SNR?
  1. Decrease C. Increase
  2. Remain D. No change
  1. As the TE increases what happens to the scan time?
  1. Decrease C. Increase
  2. Remain D. No change
  1. In a typical timing diagram what is the height of the pulse located along the RF line related to?
  1. Inversion recovery C.
  2. Flip angle D.
  1. What is a typical Inversion recovery sequence?
  1. 180-90-180 C. 90-180
  2. 90-180-360 D. 180-90
  1. How does parallel imaging (rectangle FOV) affect the scan?
  1. reduces time
  2. resolution stays the same
  3. reduces SNR
  1. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3
  2. 1, 2, 3 D. 1 & 3
  1. In most instances when spatial resolution is increased what happens to SNR?
  1. Decrease C. Increase
  2. Remain D. No change
  1. If the voxel volume doubles what happens to the SNR?
  1. Halve C. Doubles
  2. Decrease D. Increase
  1. As the main magnetic field increases what happens to the SNR?
  1. Halve C. Doubles
  2. Decrease D. Increase
  1. Increasing slice thickness does what to the SNR?
  1. Halve C. Doubles
  2. Decrease D. Increase
  1. The time between the initial RF excitation pulse and the echo?
  1. TR C. TE
  2. NEX D. FOV
  1. A short effective TE is used with a?
  1. Short FOV C. Long ETL
  2. Short ETL D. Long FOV
  1. The 3rd Gen CT was what type?
  1. Rotate Rotate C. Translate Rotate
  2. Rotate stationary D. No answer
  1. Grid formed from the rows and columns of pixels called?
  1. Pixel C. Voxel
  2. Matrix D. 3D
  1. An x-ray beam that is composed of photons with varying energies?
  1. Orthochromatic x-ray energy C. Polychromatic x-ray energy
  2. Panchromatic x-ray energy D. Chromatic x-ray energy
  1. Detector rows that have variable widths and sizes.
  1. Adaptive array C. Hybrid array
  2. Nonuniform array D. All of these
  1. Which patient position is maintained in dual head gamma camera?
  1. Supine C. Lateral
  2. Prone D. Oblique
  1. Which is the most commonly used radiopharmaceutical today?
  1. Iodine 131 C. Thallium 201
  2. Strontium 87 D. Technetium 99m
  1. Where is the location of Tc99 sulfur colloid concentration when injected subcutaneously?
  1. Reticuloendothelial system C. Lymphatics
  2. Brain D. GI tract
  1. What is the half-life of Samarium-153?
  1. 1.95 days C. 3.77 days
  2. 50 days D. 6 hours
  1. What is the role of CT scan in the work-up of bowel obstruction?
  1. To evaluate bowel obstruction C. To evaluate volvulus
  2. To evaluate intussusceptions D. Confirming the diagnosis of bowel obstruction
  1. The following is the typical appearance of a subdural hematoma on CT scan, except?
  1. Hyperdense C. Crescent-shape
  2. Hypodense D. Convex lateral border
  1. What CT scan examinations used to assess coronary calcium deposits?
  1. Thread mills C. Electrocardiogram
  2. Echocardiogram D. Coronary artery scoring
  1. What is the contrast agent used for magnetic resonance imaging?
  1. Gadolinium C. Lipiodol
  2. Barium sulfate D. Telepaque table
  1. Which of the following procedure is best used to diagnose endometrial cancer?
  1. Endometrial biopsy C. Magnetic resonance
  2. Transvaginal procedure D. CT scan
  1. Which of the following pathology on MR imaging can demonstrate the depth of invasion of the myometrium as well as abnormal?
  1. Cervix cancer C. Cysts
  2. Myoma D. Regional lymph nodes
  1. Which of the following refer to a rotation about a fixed point?
  1. Contour C. Isocentric
  2. Field D. Collimator
  1. Which of the following is the device for accelerating charged particles, such as electrons, to produce high energy electron or photon beams?
  1. Wedge filter C. Multileaf collimator
  2. Linear accelerator D. Treatment field
  1. Which of the following refers to the relation of CT numbers uniformity machine calibration?
  1. Disk C. Linearity
  2. High noise D. Low noise
  1. Which of the following is an individual collimator rod within the treatment head of the linear accelerator that can slide inward to shape the radiation field?
  1. Independent jaws C. Asymmetric jaws
  2. Simulator D. Multileaf collimator
  1. What is palliation?
  1. It diagnose C. Use for curing of disease
  2. Relieve symptoms D. Asymptomatic
  1. Which of the following pertains to the elements of atoms which undergo spontaneous transformation resulting to emission of radiation?
  1. Radioactive C. Radiocurable
  2. Radiosensitivity D. Reactor
  1. In tissue harmonic imaging, where are harmonics?
  1. Near the transducer face C. Uniformly within the ultrasonic field
  2. Near the beam axis D. Distal to the focal point
  1. Image quality is characterized by all of the following, except?
  1. Mechanical index C. Contrast resolution
  2. Spatial resolution D. Noise
  1. Which of the following is most likely to affect visualization of a 2 cm diameter lesion that has slight difference in scattering properties compared with the surrounding tissue?
  1. Scan line density C. Center frequency
  2. Acoustic noise D. Spatial pulse length
  1. What the computer term baud rates describe?
  1. Clock speed C. Data transmission
  2. Storage capacity D. Program execution
  1. Which is the preferred radiopharmaceutical in patients with suspected pyelonephristis?
  1. Tc 99m DTPA C. Tc 99m Pertechnetate
  2. Tc 99m HDP D. Tc 99m DMSA
  1. What is the most common reason for a bone scan?
  1. Extent of arthritic disease C. Diagnose osteomyelitis
  2. Staging of metastasis D. Look for primary tumor
  1. Which of the following examination is tracer iodine clinically applied?
  1. Thyroid gland C. Cervix
  2. Cranium D. Abdomen
  1. What diagnostic modality uses radioisotopes?
  1. CT scan C. MRI
  2. DSA D. Nuclear medicine
  1. The following appearances of blood vessels on MR imaging is seen, except?
  1. Longitudinal images C. Hyperintense
  2. Dark circular D. Tubular appearance
  1. MR imaging is superior for evaluation of?
  1. Bone marrow diseases
  2. Soft tissue tumors
  3. Ossified abnormalities of musculoskeletal system
  1. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3
  2. 1 & 3 D. 1, 2, 3
  1. In MR imaging, the signal intensity of fat on T1 and T2 weighted images are?
  1. Bright
  2. Black density
  3. Hyperintense
  1. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3
  2. 1 & 3 D. 1, 2, 3
  1. The following are contraindications on MR imaging, except?
  1. Cardiac pacemaker C. Non metallic foreign bodies
  2. Prosthetic heart values D. Coils
  1. Which of the following is the acquisition of cellular structure that differs from structure of original cell type?
  1. Disintegration C. Differentiation
  2. Radioactive D. Decay
  1. Which of the following deliver radiation to the patient from a unit such as linear accelerator in which the radiation enters the patient from the external surface of the body?
  1. Linear energy transfer C. Treatment field
  2. Internal beam treatment D. External beam treatment
  1. What is the geometric area defined by collimator or radiotherapy unit at skin surface?
  1. Contour C. Isocentric
  2. Field D. Grenz rays
  1. Which of the following uses high activity radionuclide that is placed within the body for the treatment of cancer?
  1. Image guided radiation therapy C. Intensity modulated radiation therapy
  2. High dose rate brachytherapy D. Low dose rate brachytherapy
  1. Which of the following modification of beam intensity used to deliver non-uniform exposure across radiation field?
  1. Image guided radiation therapy C. Intensity modulated radiation therapy
  2. High dose rate brachytherapy D. Low dose rate brachytherapy
  1. What is the major disadvantage of transparency film as an image storage medium?
  1. Limited contrast scale C. Storage space requirements
  2. Limited spatial resolution D. Poor long-term stability
  1. Which device measures acoustic pressure in the ultrasonic field?
  1. Hydrophone C. SMPTE test pattern
  2. Sensitometer D. Microbalance
  1. What is the advantage of rectangular array transducers compared with the linear array transducers?
  1. Reduced the channel numbers C. Compact size
  2. Improved spatial detail D. Volumetric acquisition without moving the transducer
  1. Which of the following is a source of acoustic noise?
  1. Low power transmitted pulse C. Speckle
  2. Apodization D. Radiofrequency wave interference
  1. What radioisotope is used in brain cancer?
  1. 133 Xenon C. 99m Tc
  2. Uci of iodine 131 D. 99m Tc DTPA
  1. Which of the following refers to the amount of time the contrast agents stays in the body?
  1. Toxicity C. Osmolality
  2. Persistence D. Miscibility
  1. Which of the following phenomena appear as artifacts on transverse images and as strips on multiplanar reformation of 3D images?
  1. Metal artifacts C. Patient motion artifact
  2. Stair step artifact D. Ring artifact
  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of contrast agent wherein it has the ability to mix with other fluids?
  1. Toxicity C. Osmolality
  2. Persistence D. Miscibility
  1. It is the planning scan of the patient from which slice position is selected:
  1. Dynamic scan C. High resolution scan
  2. Precision scan D. Scanogram
  1. What does ROI stands for in CT scan?
  1. Ring of intensity C. Round over intention
  2. Region of interest D. Rule of infection
  1. What is the Hounsfield unit/number of bone?
  1. 1000 C. 30
  2. 40-60 D. -1000
  1. How sensitive is MR imaging for diagnosing rotator cuff and labial tears?
  1. Above 90% C. 85%
  2. Below 90% D. 80%
  1. What is the most sensitive imaging modality is used for diagnosing a vascular necrosis of the hip?
  1. Arthrography C. X-ray of the hp joint
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging D. CT Scan
  1. MR imaging is a sensitive as radionuclide bone scan in the diagnosis of?
  1. Osteoarthritis C. Osteoblastic
  2. Osteoporosis D. Osteomyelitis
  1. MR imaging is better than CT in evaluating suspected?
  1. Spondylolisthesis C. Disc pathology
  2. Spondylolysis D. Spinal stenosis
  1. Which of the following refers to the amount of filtering material that is necessary to reduce the output of an x-ray beam by one half?
  1. Half value layer C. Half life
  2. Decay D. Radioactivity
  1. What amount of radiation is desired to cure a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin?
  1. 6000R C. 8000R
  2. 7000R D. 9000R
  1. During radiotherapy the irradiated skin becomes red. What is the cause of the condition?
  1. Too much radiation C. Indicator of superficial radiation response
  2. Irradiated skin D. A, B, C
  1. What radioactive materials are used in liver and spleen to determine areas of damaged liver tissue?
  1. 133 Xenon C. 99m Tc labeled sulfur colloid
  2. Iodine 131 D. Sodium chloride
  1. All of the following statements regarding the indication of the bone scan are true, except?
  1. Paget’s disease C. Osteomyelitis
  2. Fracture D. Metastases
  1. Bone studies in nuclear medicine are performed using?
  1. Cold spot scanning techniques C. Pyrophosphate
  2. Hot spot scanning technique D. Phosphate complexes
  1. What is the Hounsfield unit of water?
  1. 0 C. -1000
  2. 1000 D. -100
  1. What is the Hounsfield unit of air?
  1. 0 C. -1000
  2. 1000 D. -100
  1. Which technique improves spatial resolution by decreasing the B-mode field of view?
  1. Frame averaging C. Write zoom
  2. Decreased spatial pulse length D. Read zoom
  1. Which rays can penetrate the epidermis of the skin?
  1. Beta C. Gamma
  2. Alpha D. Radiation
  1. Which of the following radioactive material is used in thyroid scan?
  1. Iodine C. Sodium chloride
  2. Technetium D. Xenon
  1. Which of the following refers to an area in any organ where the concentrations of radioactivity are significantly less than the surrounding tissue?
  1. Gold spot C. Cold spot
  2. Hot spot D. Silver spot
  1. What is the reason why radioactive materials are used in clinical studies?
  1. Used in making radioactive materials function
  2. Prevents their passage through the pulmonary capillary bed
  3. Physiologic compounds can be manipulated chemically
  4. Suspected cases of pulmonary emboli
  1. Which of the following is one of the features of the scintillation detector arrays?
  1. Cesium iodide C. Cadmium tungstate
  2. Sodium iodide D. Crystal photomultiplier tube assemblies
  1. How much scanning time is required in dynamic studies?
  1. 1 second or more C. Greater than 1 hour
  2. Less than 1 minute D. 45 seconds
  1. CT scan resolve differences in tissue density as low as?
  1. 0.3% C. 5%
  2. 2% D. A, B, C
  1. What are some distinguishing features of adenomyoma on MR imaging?
  1. Smooth margins C. Regular in shape
  2. Widening in shape D. Irregular in shape
  1. Which of the following imaging study was routinely first to performed for evaluation of suspected disarrangement of the knee?
  1. Computed tomography C. Ultrasound
  2. MRI D. Conventional radiographs arthrography
  1. MR imaging is useful to diagnose a?
  1. Rheumatoid arthritis C. Muscle atrophy
  2. Osteoporosis D. Bursitis
  1. On what part of the radiation therapy technique wherein the source of radiation is at some distance from the patient?
  1. Brachytherapy C. Treatment field
  2. Teletherapy D. Nuclear medicine
  1. Which of the following refer to the wedge shape beam attenuating device used to preferentially absorb the beam to alter the shape of the isodose curve?
  1. Treatment field C. Surgical bed
  2. Wedge filter D. Wedge phantom
  1. Which of the following is the first skin sparring machine?
  1. Cobalt 60 C. Linear accelerator
  2. Computed tomography D. Isocentric machine
  1. Which of the following technique in which the radioactive material is placed within the patient?
  1. External beam therapy C. Brachytherapy
  2. Teletherapy D. Cobalt 60
  1. What is the half life of technetium 99m?
  1. 1 hour C. 22 hours
  2. 1 day D. 6 hours
  1. What radioactive materials are commonly used for therapeutic purposes in nuclear medicine?
  1. Iodine 131 C. Technetium 99m
  2. Sodium nitrate D. Xenon 133
  1. Single proton is often referred to as a?
  1. Proton density C. Photon density
  2. Spin density D. Neutron density
  1. Which of the following is the process of the energy release by the excited nuclei?
  1. Relaxation C. Spin density
  2. Spin lattice relaxation D. Spin-spin relaxation
  1. When the nuclei releases their excess energy to the general environment, this is called the?
  1. Relaxation C. Pulse sequence
  2. Spin lattice relaxation D. Spin-spin relaxation
  1. Most MR imaging has been performed with field strengths ranging from?
  1. 0.1-1.5 T C. Do not exceed 0.3 T
  2. Exceed 0.15 T D. A, B, C
  1. Higher field strengths lead to increased MR signal, which can be used to?
  1. Improve image sharpness C. Improve magnetic field
  2. Improve brightness of image D. Improve image detail
  1. What radioactive material used in treatment of carcinoma of the uterus?
  1. Radium 226 C. Uranium
  2. Thallium D. Technetium
  1. What is the usual time period employed during elective treatment of post breast carcinoma?
  1. 5 weeks C. 5 months
  2. 5 hours D. 1 week
  1. Which therapeutic machine is used to treat deep-seated tumor?
  1. Megavoltage C. Telecobalt
  2. Orthovoltage D. A, B, C
  1. Which is the most useful for relief of pain from bony metastases?
  1. Palliative radiotherapy C. Pain reliever
  2. Chemotherapy D. A, B, C
  1. Which of the following involves the treatment of cancerous tumors or lesions by the precise application of ionizing radiation?
  1. Radiation therapy C. Digital subtraction therapy
  2. Nuclear medicine D. Gamma ray
  1. Which therapeutic machine is used for the treatment of lesions approximately 1-13 cm beneath the surface?

  1. Electron beams C. Superficial x-ray machines
  2. Photon beams D. Orthovoltage x-ray machines

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